From our Clients:

This was very different than I expected and very exciting.

This was one of the better programs I have taken. The facilitator was very enthusiastic, but also very good at delivering the information. This was very different than I expected and very exciting.

-Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Senior Director

From the Research:

Employees in highly participative work climates provided 14% better customer service, committed 26% fewer clinical errors, demonstrated 79% lower burnout, and 61% lower likelihood of leaving the organization than employees in more authoritarian work climates.

-Angermeier, I., Dunford, B.B., Boss, A.D., & Boss, R.W. (2009). The impact of participative management perceptions on customer service, medical errors, burnout, and turnover intentions. Journal of Healthcare Management, 54, 127-141.

Culture Measurement and Management

Organizational culture has a direct correlation to an organization's productivity, talent retention, effectiveness, and bottom-line results. Since culture is developed over time, rooted in the organization's history, it may seem impermeable to change. Many organizations recognize the need to intentionally create a strong culture, but are unsure how to create their desired culture. The ability to measure culture is the first step to managing culture. Legacy Alliance uses iGPS™ to help clients proactively create, measure and manage key elements of organizational culture. iGPS™ is a powerful organizational cultural assessment and management tool that places actionable information on the desktop of every leader in the organization. It provides leaders with an in-depth knowledge of the current culture and overall health of the organization. The assessment results are available immediately - within one minute of the assessment closure.

Why Culture Measurement and Management with iGPS™ Works:

  • Predictive measurement scales
  • Give the organization the opportunity see what will happen before it happens
  • Organization can utilize proactive interventions to address issues before they arise
  • Anonymous process protects the identity of individuals, therefore increasing accuracy of the data
  • Fast and immediate access to assessment data
  • Ability to view and analyze data from a broad or narrow perspective
  • Screener capabilities provide the ability to pull out individual groups (departments or demographics) that need focus
  • iGPS™ quick tips on how to immediately improve in identified areas of opportunity
  • Involves individuals at every level of the organization creating mass buy-in and integrating viewpoints from multiple stakeholders
  • Intentionally and proactively creates the desired culture
  • Addresses and strategically removes the barriers to change

Culture Measurement and Management with iGPS™ IS PERFECT FOR:

  • Organizations that want to be more productive and effective.
  • Organizations that want to maximize talent and minimize turnover.
  • Organizations that want faster and better reporting of their employee engagement scores.
  • Organizations with trust issues.
  • Organizations that want to intentionally create an open and trusting environment.
  • Organizations that have struggled with bringing about measurable and sustained change.
  • Organizations interested in accurately measuring aspects of their culture, giving the capability to predict outcomes.
  • Organizations who want the capability to deliver targeted interventions.