From our Clients:

Provided valuable insight.

Legacy Alliance provided valuable insight into my own management style and tendencies which have made me a much more enlightened and effective leader of my organization. The collaborative style and expertise of my Legacy coaches was refreshing and a tremendous experience to work with them both. I would recommend Legacy Alliance to anyone interested in enhancing their leadership potential and ultimately organizational results.

- Greg DeRosa, General Manager and Chief Operating Officer, Cherry Hills Country Club

From the Research:

Employees in highly participative work climates provided 14% better customer service, committed 26% fewer clinical errors, demonstrated 79% lower burnout, and 61% lower likelihood of leaving the organization than employees in more authoritarian work climates.

-Angermeier, I., Dunford, B.B., Boss, A.D., & Boss, R.W. (2009). The impact of participative management perceptions on customer service, medical errors, burnout, and turnover intentions. Journal of Healthcare Management, 54, 127-141.

Employee Engagement and Culture Change

Employee engagement is often high on the list of concerns held by organizational leaders and human resources professionals. Employee engagement affects productivity, turnover, job effectiveness and customer satisfaction-all key metrics in evaluating organizational culture. In order for organizations to retain top talent and maximize results, employees must be engaged in their work roles and feel connected to their organization.
Legacy Alliance helps organizations increase employee engagement and positively shift organizational culture by utilizing employee data collected by interviews and anonymous online surveys. Real-time online data reporting allows leaders to evaluate employee engagement by organization, department or demographic to create targeted interventions within the organization. A Legacy Alliance coach will collaborate with leaders to identify a customized solution based on the organizational data. Even the most stubborn cultural dynamics can shift by utilizing Legacy's proven methods. Measurable changes can be detected within 12 months-often sooner.


  • Customized approach and solution-Organization-specific diagnosis drives the intervention
  • Measurable results to track progress over time in key areas that impact overall engagement and culture
  • Online, flexible reporting allows leaders to look at engagement from a broad or targeted perspective
  • Solution planning engages leaders and employees in a collaborative action planning process to create strategic solutions
  • Increases communication and the flow of critical information
  • Increases trust
  • Decreases burnout and turnover
  • Increases leadership effectiveness
  • Addresses and strategically removes the barriers to change


  • Organizations that have struggled with bringing about measurable and sustained change.
  • Organizations that want to be more productive and effective.
  • Organizations that want to develop themselves to be intensely focused on customer service.
  • Organizations that want to maximize talent and minimize unwanted turnover.
  • Organizations that want to intentionally create an open, trusting and collaborative environment.
  • Organizations that want to help employees more passionately engage in their work role and environment.
  • Organizations that want to increase their employee engagement scores.
  • Organizations that want to increase the flow of critical information.

Legacy Alliance also provides:

Culture Measurement and Management

Organizational culture has a direct correlation to an organization's productivity, talent retention, effectiveness, and bottom-line results. Since culture is developed over time, rooted in the organization's history, it may seem impermeable to change.